About Sublime FMJ

FMJ is now part of the Sublime Group of Companies. This collaboration strengthens our core and diversifies our services by enhancing our main capabilities and resources, adding fire safety and maritime education training into our business.

Sublime, as the parent company standing steadily in Northern Malaysia, FMJ aims to reach the rest of Malaysia, shining bright as a rising sun seen on the horizon, bringing light, good prospects and supporting growth in related industries.

With our broad networking, vast experience and unique talent, we are definitely a worthy investment and the best partner for your business. Our experiences and expertise are converted into your business solution.

Expert, everywhere and reliable. Legally licensed and registered in Malaysia.

person showing black and white compass
person showing black and white compass

Explore our latest product

Smarter fire solution with cutting edge technology - innovative automatic fire suppression system


The maker and manufacturer of T Series Fire Suppression System

T Series Fire Suppression

An automatic fire suppression system to protect your asset and business

T Series Fire Supression

Actual photo of the product

How it works

Take the 1 minute plus video journey to understand better